Monday, March 31, 2008

Origins: A Solo Shisan


April afternoon
Now the sun has broken through
The morning's cool clouds

Apple blossoms lingering
Over the garden's new growth

Lunch with my friend Chuck,
We've known each other for years,
"I know what you mean."

A regular customer
Purchases a new novel

At the shopping mall,
In air conditioned comfort,
Away from the heat

He reads her detailed letter
Explaining why she's not there

A falcon hovers
Someone closes a window
Two cats sleep soundly

She's working on her thesis;
"The Origins of the Moon"

Which is now rising
Full in the clear autumn air,
And the falling leaves

The holidays are coming,
Contracting the daylight hours

Snow slowly settles
Upon the streets and sidewalks
As the city sleeps

At early morning Matins
A hermit recites his prayers

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