Monday, April 28, 2008

Cobwebs: A Solo Shisan

Dawn in the garden,
Sunlight from a cloudless sky
Touches the lilacs

Because it is the weekend
He can linger over tea

There's a kind of pause,
Before the children wake up,
That is nourishing


She takes her 10-minute break
In the anonymous park

Where some lemon trees,
Blooming in the summer heat,
Lightly scent the air

It reminds him of his Aunt,
His father's younger sister


A ceremony,
Sermons and some well-known hymns,
For the departed

Only the slightest sliver
Of the waning moon remains

In the cool crisp air
The brown leaves are still clinging
To the old oak trees


While dusty snowflakes descend
For about thirty minutes

The furnace turns on
A closet door is opened
Someone's on their phone

As satellites trace a path
Through cobwebs in the window

Best wishes,


1 comment:

Pan Haiku Review said...

I really enjoyed this.

all my best,

With Words