Sunday, April 20, 2008

Shelter: A Solo Shisan


On this quiet night
Under the moon's silver light
People are dreaming

As Devas offer guidance
In the silence of a glance

A possum freezes
In the headlights of a car
That brakes just in time

"It makes a big difference,
All that new insulation."

While folding laundry
She makes plans for tomorrow
And for the next week

"I'm sorry you can't make it.
That's OK. Another time."

For him it's a song,
Even after all these years,
The sound of her voice

Mingling with a steady wind
And the falling plum blossoms

Starlings are in flight
During the long, slow sunset
Clouds of red and gold

She begins her second job,
The bills just keep coming in

The weather report:
At least five more days of heat,
And no rain in sight

In an abandoned building
A runaway finds a home

Best wishes,



Julie said...

AW Thank you!!!

I would quit w/o your comments.

Rengajim said...

You're welcome. When I figure out how to do it I'll list your blog as a link. I'm kind of a technopeasant, so it will take me awhile.

